This blog is all about how to prevent dry hair and breakage. As winter is on its way, this is a hot topic . And if you are someone who usually suffers from dry hair during this time of year then keep reading. As I have got some tips on how to make sure that this is not an annoying thing anymore.
1. Don’t wash hair daily
My number one biggest tip on preventing dry hair is to not wash your hair every single day. your hair has natural oils in your scalp. That naturally hydrate your hair and nourish your strands naturally. And if you are washing your hair every single day or you are just stripping away that natural oil. So if this is something that you have not been focusing on and you do get dry hair you should definitely try this. Now take advantage of the time where you do not have to see anyone do not have to worry about showing up to work or school with insanely greasy hair and you can’t really see it anyways on zoom on skip days. So if you usually like to put your hair up in a messy bun or a high ponytail.
2. Trimming
If you tend to have really dry hair then you probably also have a lot of split ends or your ends end up being really dry. It is probably the first thing that you notice that becomes dry around this time of year. so obviously number one you want to make sure that you are getting regular trims. Go to your stylist or during this time if that is not an option for you were going so often is not financially viable for you either. Then learn to cut and trim your own ends. not giving yourself a full haircut but just trimming those ends off is something that you can do for maintenance.
3. Hydrating
If you have really dry hair is part of the big reason why we get split ends. Or your ends are the first place to get really dry is because they are the farthest place away from your natural hair oils. They are the last thing that gets that natural hair oil. so they are least hydrated. So to compensate for that and sort of make up for that lack of nourishment naturally I would recommend using hydrating products like a hair mask or hair oil. And just concentrating that product always on your end. You can check out Mama earth hair oil.
4. Conditioning
It is going to open up your hair cuticles and maximize the conditioning agents to penetrate the hair follicle. So you are just like maximizing the amount of conditioner and hydration and nourishment into your hair. And your hair will absorb the hydration much better than before. You should try Dove’s daily shine conditioner with Nutritive serum detangle hair.
5. Rubberbands
You need to be extra gentle with your hair and this will going to avoid breakage and having brittle strands avoid using regular hair elastics these are really harsh. It is just going to exaggerate the problem and you will find that your hair breaks more easily. So instead you definitely want to use good hair rubbers. they are going to be super gentle on your hair and don’t do any damage or break your hair at all. Do check it out. Hairbands on Amazon.
6. Brushing
keeping on that note of being super gentle with your hair that goes for brushing too. so whenever you brush your hair you need to make sure that you are doing it very carefully, gently, and mindfully. You should start brushing from the bottom up. Never top to bottom because that just drags through your hair and causes you to know breakage and rips out your hair. You should avoid brushing your hair when it is wet too because your hair at that point is very fragile. Something you may have not considered before if you have already tried all the things. Do try this Vega’s Hair brush.
7. Use a Towel
You should normally practice these good maintenance hair tips and tricks and if still, you find your hair is dry and breaking. Then what could be the culprit? Here is that you might be losing extra hair moisture and hydration when your hair is drying. So if you normally just air dry your hair sometimes this can be even more drying to your hair because you are losing. The air is absorbing that extra moisture from your hair as it dries. and then you might find that your hair is just more brittle or difficult to style after you have air-dried it.
8. Eat healthy
All these external outer sorts of styling tips and things that you do on the outside also have to come within your body. So make sure that what you are putting in your body especially during the wintertime. try to incorporate more omega-3s and antioxidants into your diet. So that is incorporating more foods like walnuts, salmon, broccoli, kidney beans, tomatoes, and blueberries. and of course lots of water. Lots of inner hydration and that will, in turn, have an effect on your hair health overall. I do not recommend making any major dietary like dramatic changes without consulting your doctor first.